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  • 制定项目章程,他的工具和技术,一个是专家判断,一个是数据收集技术,数据收集又包括了头脑风暴,焦点小组、然后还包括了是人际关系与团队技能,而人际关系

  • 团队技能也包括了冲突的管理、引导,还有会议管理,以及还有一个工具叫会议。 

  • 会议管理它重点关注的是这样的一些内容,就是说我们要如何去召开一个高效的会议,通常情况下会包含这样几个步骤。

  • 首先是准备并发布会议的议程,就包括所讲的会议的目的,然后要确保会议在规定的时间内召开,以及在规定的时间能够结束。

  • 要确保适当的参与者能够受邀请出席会议,然后我们在开会的过程中要切题,不要跑太偏,处理会议中的这样一些期望问题冲突,这是有必要的,并且我们需要去记录下来。

  • 以及把一些相对应的这样一些行动项也记录下来以后,最后要配备相应的行动责任人,信息,要分发给大家,这是一个有效的。 

Conference Management It focuses on such content, that is, how we want to hold an efficient meeting, usually with several steps.

The first is to prepare and publish the agenda of the meeting, including the purpose of the meeting, and then ensure that the meeting is held within the specified time and can be completed at the specified time.

It is necessary to ensure that the appropriate participants can be invited to attend the meeting, and then we need to be relevant during the meeting, not to be too biased, to deal with such expected conflicts in the meeting, and we need to record it.

And after recording some of these corresponding action items, it is effective to have the corresponding person responsible for the action and information to be distributed to everyone.

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